Source Code Containing the Phrase "brain rot"
We have detected over 11 code snippets in our database containing the word "brain rot"
Recent Snippets
"s7yzpqgdvorhidqkz35pfxbg":["uncleabe","Uncle Abe"],
"sesjf4ncxwswflkxtu5ovpba":["unicorn13","мрійлива пташечка🎃"],
"sigevoeboqsw75x43stywwsm":["ungarzack","ᴢᴀᴄᴋ || totk brain rot"],
"sii6yr3kxpexfmwmzktm7z7b":["unwinnabledavid","David Shimomura"],
"sqm6yqrhu53zfhxj76ouue3v":["uncannydays","Dana Ash"],
if (doesItContain(name.toLowerCase(), brainrot))
System.out.println("You have been diagnosed with brain rot. Ur not the sigma. Please go see doctor I cannot help you.\n");
"diowizvorgn3syaem7qzerwe":["kmhargis","Kenneth Hargis"],
"ce3wd54uss3qwi2pm3ewffuw":["","Kat Miller"],
"hq2orsxiir2xypmafts6uyx5":["kmcallah","Casey 🔞 brain rot era"],
"zbibv747npbrvb2nd45c4fi6":["kmfag","Kjell Magne Fagerbakke "],
def m_dict(word):
meme_dict = { "Brain Rot": "General term for spending too much time online watching low quality content that 'rot' the brain.",
"Skibidi": "This slang, which could mean good, bad, cool, is named after the popular YouTube series called 'Skibidi Toilet' by animator Alexey Gerasimov. Most of the videos show toilets with the heads of grown men spinning and talking while singing songs.",
"Skibiddi Ohio Rizz": "To call someone this means that they’re weird.",
"Rizz": "Abbreviation of the word 'charisma', which is the charm, magnetism or ability to attract others.",
"Rizzler": "Someone who has a lot of charisma.",
"Sigma": "Usually means a popular, dominant, independent leader (sigma male) or someone who’s cool or self-sufficient.",
* Day 23
* Will do other days later
* Have no clue brain rot has begun
church music by many "bands"), BOB'S MEDIA POLLUTION (60 min. of even more
recent Church music, of all flavors), HOUR OF SLACK (many titles available)
$10 SPECIAL: HOUR OF SLACK 400 & 401: Lonesome Cowboy Dave in Hell - special
improv with Stang, Mary^2, Brain Rot Radio Theatre (Cleveland) $10 for 2 tapes
New Video, $20: CLUB NO NEW YEARS DALLAS DEVIVAL - Bulldada special effects
master St. Joe Riley barrage-edited (ARISE-style, with billions of weird clips)
the footage from this spectacular multi-media show starring Sister Mary^2,
"266ziwipwi2wyxzfwbmb3yeb":["muse9420","Muse has brain rot "],
"brususxgdxzfohixr5vg7toy":["muddlescrum","Midi "],
"actkxtlvbd3o76z6zvwnolzi":["skelebean","Skelebean "],
"te6eg2bifsebdt3c4f64jce6":["skadoodah","Doodles | an infinite wealth of brain rot"],
"bt4zp3hc4ygansuoz6sxdslg":["ghalithali","🔞Thali BDKD brain rot🔞"],
"737bsy6tbxhiqjfesdy63vrt":["ghauld","Ghauld 🦁"],
"dwvyniuyc7yjux3fnwwbotjb":["ghostlycola","Paul Watson"],
"qusr6abq4fdksy6y5lc2fwuj":["acemacg","Adam MacGillivray"],
"453s45b6t5cbts6lzruj2ah3":["acousticinsect","🌱 more moss covered brain rot 🌱"],
"hhdy6uj3gjtckh4axsnls6lm":["acehoundberry","Ace Houndberry "],
"100000 blocked messages",
f"As he couldnt hold it anymore, he began ejaculating fully into {}'s mouth making him swallow every bit of sweet n sour jizz coming out of his monster, FUCK..! he shouted as this was one of the best fucks ever..",
"Your family decided to become suicide bombers to get away from you",
"You are the definition of brain rot",
"You shop on TikTok shop",
"I bet you buy your food of Temu",
"When you think youre alone and everyone hates you, remember. We do all hate you",